
admin 2021-02-23 传奇手游 120 ℃ 请在这里放置你的在线分享代码











可胜利,还可以跟小小伙伴儿比拼, 看谁用的彩球越少。





import math, pygame, sys, os, copy, time, randomimport pygame.gfxdrawfrom pygame.locals import *


FPS = 120WINDOWWIDTH = 640WINDOWHEIGHT = 480TEXTHEIGHT = 20BUBBLERADIUS = 20BUBBLEWIDTH = BUBBLERADIUS * 2BUBBLELAYERS = 5BUBBLEYADJUST = 5STARTX = WINDOWWIDTH / 2STARTY = WINDOWHEIGHT - 27ARRAYWIDTH = 16ARRAYHEIGHT = 14RIGHT = 'right'LEFT = 'left'BLANK = '.'## COLORS ### R G BGRAY = (100, 100, 100)NAVYBLUE = ( 60, 60, 100)WHITE = (255, 255, 255)RED = (255, 0, 0)GREEN = ( 0, 255, 0)BLUE = ( 0, 0, 255)YELLOW = (255, 255, 0)ORANGE = (255, 128, 0)PURPLE = (255, 0, 255)CYAN = ( 0, 255, 255)BLACK = ( 0, 0, 0)COMBLUE = (233, 232, 255)BGCOLOR = WHITECOLORLIST = [RED, GREEN, BLUE, YELLOW, ORANGE, PURPLE, CYAN] class Bubble(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, color, row=0, column=0): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.rect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, 30, 30) self.rect.centerx = STARTX self.rect.centery = STARTY self.speed = 10 self.color = color self.radius = BUBBLERADIUS self.angle = 0 self.row = row self.column = column def update(self): if self.angle == 90: xmove = 0 ymove = self.speed * -1 elif self.angle 90: xmove = self.xcalculate(self.angle) ymove = self.ycalculate(self.angle) elif self.angle 90: xmove = self.xcalculate(180 - self.angle) * -1 ymove = self.ycalculate(180 - self.angle) self.rect.x += xmove self.rect.y += ymove def draw(self): pygame.gfxdraw.filled_circle(DISPLAYSURF, self.rect.centerx, self.rect.centery, self.radius, self.color) pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle(DISPLAYSURF, self.rect.centerx, self.rect.centery, self.radius, GRAY) def xcalculate(self, angle): radians = math.radians(angle) xmove = math.cos(radians)*(self.speed) return xmove def ycalculate(self, angle): radians = math.radians(angle) ymove = math.sin(radians)*(self.speed) * -1 return ymoveclass Arrow(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.angle = 90 arrowImage = pygame.image.load('Arrow.png') arrowImage.convert_alpha() arrowRect = arrowImage.get_rect() self.image = arrowImage self.transformImage = self.image self.rect = arrowRect self.rect.centerx = STARTX self.rect.centery = STARTY def update(self, direction): if direction == LEFT and self.angle 180: self.angle += 2 elif direction == RIGHT and self.angle 0: self.angle -= 2 self.transformImage = pygame.transform.rotate(self.image, self.angle) self.rect = self.transformImage.get_rect() self.rect.centerx = STARTX self.rect.centery = STARTY def draw(self): DISPLAYSURF.blit(self.transformImage, self.rect)class Score(object): def __init__(self): self.total = 0 self.font = pygame.font.SysFont('Helvetica', 15) self.render = self.font.render('Score: ' + str(self.total), True, BLACK, WHITE) self.rect = self.render.get_rect() self.rect.left = 5 self.rect.bottom = WINDOWHEIGHT - 5 def update(self, deleteList): self.total += ((len(deleteList)) * 10) self.render = self.font.render('Score: ' + str(self.total), True, BLACK, WHITE) def draw(self): DISPLAYSURF.blit(self.render, self.rect)def main(): global FPSCLOCK, DISPLAYSURF, DISPLAYRECT, MAINFONT pygame.init() FPSCLOCK = pygame.time.Clock() pygame.display.set_caption('泡泡龙小游戏') MAINFONT = pygame.font.SysFont('Helvetica', TEXTHEIGHT) DISPLAYSURF, DISPLAYRECT = makeDisplay() while True: score, winorlose = runGame() endScreen(score, winorlose)def runGame(): musicList =['bgmusic.ogg', 'Utopian_Theme.ogg', 'Goofy_Theme.ogg'] pygame.mixer.music.load(musicList[0]) pygame.mixer.music.play() track = 0 gameColorList = copy.deepcopy(COLORLIST) direction = None launchBubble = False newBubble = None arrow = Arrow() bubbleArray = makeBlankBoard() setBubbles(bubbleArray, gameColorList) nextBubble = Bubble(gameColorList[0]) nextBubble.rect.right = WINDOWWIDTH - 5 nextBubble.rect.bottom = WINDOWHEIGHT - 5 score = Score() while True: DISPLAYSURF.fill(BGCOLOR) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: terminate() elif event.type == KEYDOWN: if (event.key == K_LEFT): direction = LEFT elif (event.key == K_RIGHT): direction = RIGHT elif event.type == KEYUP: direction = None if event.key == K_SPACE: launchBubble = True elif event.key == K_ESCAPE: terminate() if launchBubble == True: if newBubble == None: newBubble = Bubble(nextBubble.color) newBubble.angle = arrow.angle newBubble.update() newBubble.draw() if newBubble.rect.right = WINDOWWIDTH - 5: newBubble.angle = 180 - newBubble.angle elif newBubble.rect.left = 5: newBubble.angle = 180 - newBubble.angle launchBubble, newBubble, score = stopBubble(bubbleArray, newBubble, launchBubble, score) finalBubbleList = [] for row in range(len(bubbleArray)): for column in range(len(bubbleArray[0])): if bubbleArray[row][column] != BLANK: finalBubbleList.append(bubbleArray[row][column]) if bubbleArray[row][column].rect.bottom (WINDOWHEIGHT - arrow.rect.height - 10): return score.total, 'lose' if len(finalBubbleList) 1: return score.total, 'win' gameColorList = updateColorList(bubbleArray) random.shuffle(gameColorList) if launchBubble == False: nextBubble = Bubble(gameColorList[0]) nextBubble.rect.right = WINDOWWIDTH - 5 nextBubble.rect.bottom = WINDOWHEIGHT - 5 nextBubble.draw() if launchBubble == True: coverNextBubble() arrow.update(direction) arrow.draw() setArrayPos(bubbleArray) drawBubbleArray(bubbleArray) score.draw() if pygame.mixer.music.get_busy() == False: if track == len(musicList) - 1: track = 0 else: track += 1 pygame.mixer.music.load(musicList[track]) pygame.mixer.music.play() pygame.display.update() FPSCLOCK.tick(FPS)def makeBlankBoard(): array = [] for row in range(ARRAYHEIGHT): column = [] for i in range(ARRAYWIDTH): column.append(BLANK) array.append(column) return arraydef setBubbles(array, gameColorList): for row in range(BUBBLELAYERS): for column in range(len(array[row])): random.shuffle(gameColorList) newBubble = Bubble(gameColorList[0], row, column) array[row][column] = newBubble setArrayPos(array)def setArrayPos(array): for row in range(ARRAYHEIGHT): for column in range(len(array[row])): if array[row][column] != BLANK: array[row][column].rect.x = (BUBBLEWIDTH * column) + 5 array[row][column].rect.y = (BUBBLEWIDTH * row) + 5 for row in range(1, ARRAYHEIGHT, 2): for column in range(len(array[row])): if array[row][column] != BLANK: array[row][column].rect.x += BUBBLERADIUS for row in range(1, ARRAYHEIGHT): for column in range(len(array[row])): if array[row][column] != BLANK: array[row][column].rect.y -= (BUBBLEYADJUST * row) deleteExtraBubbles(array)def deleteExtraBubbles(array): for row in range(ARRAYHEIGHT): for column in range(len(array[row])): if array[row][column] != BLANK: if array[row][column].rect.right WINDOWWIDTH: array[row][column] = BLANKdef updateColorList(bubbleArray): newColorList = [] for row in range(len(bubbleArray)): for column in range(len(bubbleArray[0])): if bubbleArray[row][column] != BLANK: newColorList.append(bubbleArray[row][column].color) colorSet = set(newColorList) if len(colorSet) 1: colorList = [] colorList.append(WHITE) return colorList else: return list(colorSet) def checkForFloaters(bubbleArray): bubbleList = [column for column in range(len(bubbleArray[0])) if bubbleArray[0][column] != BLANK] newBubbleList = [] for i in range(len(bubbleList)): if i == 0: newBubbleList.append(bubbleList[i]) elif bubbleList[i] bubbleList[i - 1] + 1: newBubbleList.append(bubbleList[i]) copyOfBoard = copy.deepcopy(bubbleArray) for row in range(len(bubbleArray)): for column in range(len(bubbleArray[0])): bubbleArray[row][column] = BLANK for column in newBubbleList: popFloaters(bubbleArray, copyOfBoard, column)def popFloaters(bubbleArray, copyOfBoard, column, row=0): if (row 0 or row (len(bubbleArray)-1) or column 0 or column (len(bubbleArray[0])-1)): return elif copyOfBoard[row][column] == BLANK: return elif bubbleArray[row][column] == copyOfBoard[row][column]: return bubbleArray[row][column] = copyOfBoard[row][column] if row == 0: popFloaters(bubbleArray, copyOfBoard, column + 1, row ) popFloaters(bubbleArray, copyOfBoard, column - 1, row ) popFloaters(bubbleArray, copyOfBoard, column, row + 1) popFloaters(bubbleArray, copyOfBoard, column - 1, row + 1) elif row % 2 == 0: popFloaters(bubbleArray, copyOfBoard, column + 1, row ) popFloaters(bubbleArray, copyOfBoard, column - 1, row ) popFloaters(bubbleArray, copyOfBoard, column, row + 1) popFloaters(bubbleArray, copyOfBoard, column - 1, row + 1) popFloaters(bubbleArray, copyOfBoard, column, row - 1) popFloaters(bubbleArray, copyOfBoard, column - 1, row - 1) else: popFloaters(bubbleArray, copyOfBoard, column + 1, row ) popFloaters(bubbleArray, copyOfBoard, column - 1, row ) popFloaters(bubbleArray, copyOfBoard, column, row + 1) popFloaters(bubbleArray, copyOfBoard, column + 1, row + 1) popFloaters(bubbleArray, copyOfBoard, column, row - 1) popFloaters(bubbleArray, copyOfBoard, column + 1, row - 1) def stopBubble(bubbleArray, newBubble, launchBubble, score): deleteList = [] popSound = pygame.mixer.Sound('popcork.ogg') for row in range(len(bubbleArray)): for column in range(len(bubbleArray[row])): if (bubbleArray[row][column] != BLANK and newBubble != None): if (pygame.sprite.collide_rect(newBubble, bubbleArray[row][column])) or newBubble.rect.top 0: if newBubble.rect.top 0: newRow, newColumn = addBubbleToTop(bubbleArray, newBubble) elif newBubble.rect.centery = bubbleArray[row][column].rect.centery: if newBubble.rect.centerx = bubbleArray[row][column].rect.centerx: if row == 0 or (row) % 2 == 0: newRow = row + 1 newColumn = column if bubbleArray[newRow][newColumn] != BLANK: newRow = newRow - 1 bubbleArray[newRow][newColumn] = copy.copy(newBubble) bubbleArray[newRow][newColumn].row = newRow bubbleArray[newRow][newColumn].column = newColumn else: newRow = row + 1 newColumn = column + 1 if bubbleArray[newRow][newColumn] != BLANK: newRow = newRow - 1 bubbleArray[newRow][newColumn] = copy.copy(newBubble) bubbleArray[newRow][newColumn].row = newRow bubbleArray[newRow][newColumn].column = newColumn elif newBubble.rect.centerx bubbleArray[row][column].rect.centerx: if row == 0 or row % 2 == 0: newRow = row + 1 newColumn = column - 1 if newColumn 0: newColumn = 0 if bubbleArray[newRow][newColumn] != BLANK: newRow = newRow - 1 bubbleArray[newRow][newColumn] = copy.copy(newBubble) bubbleArray[newRow][newColumn].row = newRow bubbleArray[newRow][newColumn].column = newColumn else: newRow = row + 1 newColumn = column if bubbleArray[newRow][newColumn] != BLANK: newRow = newRow - 1 bubbleArray[newRow][newColumn] = copy.copy(newBubble) bubbleArray[newRow][newColumn].row = newRow bubbleArray[newRow][newColumn].column = newColumn elif newBubble.rect.centery bubbleArray[row][column].rect.centery: if newBubble.rect.centerx = bubbleArray[row][column].rect.centerx: if row == 0 or row % 2 == 0: newRow = row - 1 newColumn = column if bubbleArray[newRow][newColumn] != BLANK: newRow = newRow + 1 bubbleArray[newRow][newColumn] = copy.copy(newBubble) bubbleArray[newRow][newColumn].row = newRow bubbleArray[newRow][newColumn].column = newColumn else: newRow = row - 1 newColumn = column + 1 if bubbleArray[newRow][newColumn] != BLANK: newRow = newRow + 1 bubbleArray[newRow][newColumn] = copy.copy(newBubble) bubbleArray[newRow][newColumn].row = newRow bubbleArray[newRow][newColumn].column = newColumn elif newBubble.rect.centerx = bubbleArray[row][column].rect.centerx: if row == 0 or row % 2 == 0: newRow = row - 1 newColumn = column - 1 if bubbleArray[newRow][newColumn] != BLANK: newRow = newRow + 1 bubbleArray[newRow][newColumn] = copy.copy(newBubble) bubbleArray[newRow][newColumn].row = newRow bubbleArray[newRow][newColumn].column = newColumn else: newRow = row - 1 newColumn = column if bubbleArray[newRow][newColumn] != BLANK: newRow = newRow + 1 bubbleArray[newRow][newColumn] = copy.copy(newBubble) bubbleArray[newRow][newColumn].row = newRow bubbleArray[newRow][newColumn].column = newColumn popBubbles(bubbleArray, newRow, newColumn, newBubble.color, deleteList) if len(deleteList) = 3: for pos in deleteList: popSound.play() row = pos[0] column = pos[1] bubbleArray[row][column] = BLANK checkForFloaters(bubbleArray) score.update(deleteList) launchBubble = False newBubble = None return launchBubble, newBubble, score def addBubbleToTop(bubbleArray, bubble): posx = bubble.rect.centerx leftSidex = posx - BUBBLERADIUS columnDivision = math.modf(float(leftSidex) / float(BUBBLEWIDTH)) column = int(columnDivision[1]) if columnDivision[0] 0.5: bubbleArray[0][column] = copy.copy(bubble) else: column += 1 bubbleArray[0][column] = copy.copy(bubble) row = 0 return row, column def popBubbles(bubbleArray, row, column, color, deleteList): if row 0 or column 0 or row (len(bubbleArray)-1) or column (len(bubbleArray[0])-1): return elif bubbleArray[row][column] == BLANK: return elif bubbleArray[row][column].color != color: return for bubble in deleteList: if bubbleArray[bubble[0]][bubble[1]] == bubbleArray[row][column]: return deleteList.append((row, column)) if row == 0: popBubbles(bubbleArray, row, column - 1, color, deleteList) popBubbles(bubbleArray, row, column + 1, color, deleteList) popBubbles(bubbleArray, row + 1, column, color, deleteList) popBubbles(bubbleArray, row + 1, column - 1, color, deleteList) elif row % 2 == 0: popBubbles(bubbleArray, row + 1, column, color, deleteList) popBubbles(bubbleArray, row + 1, column - 1, color, deleteList) popBubbles(bubbleArray, row - 1, column, color, deleteList) popBubbles(bubbleArray, row - 1, column - 1, color, deleteList) popBubbles(bubbleArray, row, column + 1, color, deleteList) popBubbles(bubbleArray, row, column - 1, color, deleteList) else: popBubbles(bubbleArray, row - 1, column, color, deleteList) popBubbles(bubbleArray, row - 1, column + 1, color, deleteList) popBubbles(bubbleArray, row + 1, column, color, deleteList) popBubbles(bubbleArray, row + 1, column + 1, color, deleteList) popBubbles(bubbleArray, row, column + 1, color, deleteList) popBubbles(bubbleArray, row, column - 1, color, deleteList) def drawBubbleArray(array): for row in range(ARRAYHEIGHT): for column in range(len(array[row])): if array[row][column] != BLANK: array[row][column].draw() def makeDisplay(): DISPLAYSURF = pygame.display.set_mode((WINDOWWIDTH, WINDOWHEIGHT)) DISPLAYRECT = DISPLAYSURF.get_rect() DISPLAYSURF.fill(BGCOLOR) DISPLAYSURF.convert() pygame.display.update() return DISPLAYSURF, DISPLAYRECT def terminate(): pygame.quit() sys.exit()def coverNextBubble(): whiteRect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, BUBBLEWIDTH, BUBBLEWIDTH) whiteRect.bottom = WINDOWHEIGHT whiteRect.right = WINDOWWIDTH pygame.draw.rect(DISPLAYSURF, BGCOLOR, whiteRect)def endScreen(score, winorlose): endFont = pygame.font.SysFont('Helvetica', 20) endMessage1 = endFont.render('You ' + winorlose + '! Your Score is ' + str(score) + '. Press Enter to Play Again.', True, BLACK, BGCOLOR) endMessage1Rect = endMessage1.get_rect() endMessage1Rect.center = DISPLAYRECT.center DISPLAYSURF.fill(BGCOLOR) DISPLAYSURF.blit(endMessage1, endMessage1Rect) pygame.display.update() while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: terminate() elif event.type == KEYUP: if event.key == K_RETURN: return elif event.key == K_ESCAPE: terminate() if __name__ == '__main__': main()












