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“这个地方有点不对劲,”Gared 低声说道。


“你难道感觉不到吗?”Gared 质问他,“你好好听那黑夜里的声音。”


“There’s something wrong here,” Gared muttered.

The young knight gave him a disdainful smile. “Is there?”

“Can’t you feel it?” Gared asked. “Listen to the darkness.”

Will could feel it. Four years in the Night’s Watch, and he had never been so afraid. What was it?


A Song of Ice and Fire 是一部魔幻史诗系列,作者是美国小说家及剧作家George R.R. Martin。这套史诗的第一部发表于1996年。作者原本打算写一个三部曲(Triology),而如今已经出版的就有五部了(A Game of Thrones; A Clash of Kings; A Storm of Swords; A Feast of Crows; A Dance of Dragons)。目前还有两本也正在计划之中。就这样,一部魔幻史诗创造了一个完整而全新的古老世界。到目前为止,该系列已经卖出了5800万册。从2011年起,HBO 以Game of Thrones 的名字 (中文翻译成权力游戏,我更喜欢将其翻译成《王座的游戏》,而且这也只是第一部的书名)将其拍成美剧,该剧成为HBO 史上最为成功的美剧系列,多次获得Emmy Awards。该剧的最后一季第八季于2019年完成。我大约在2006年开始读到这本书的前三部。后来我也看了一部分美剧剧集,但是我的感受,美剧的确做到了视觉上的震撼(我最喜欢的就是那三条龙了),而原版书籍带给我的是心灵的震撼。在原书里,王座的游戏只是这部庞大史诗的一小部分,而且也许是阅读中最不快乐一部分。真正吸引我或是打动我的人其实多数与王座的游戏无关的人,或是远离了王座游戏的那些人。他们才是与我们更相近的人,在世界上寻找自己的未知命运。此外,在这部魔幻史诗中,还融入了我们现实世界中的许多传说、传奇、历史和文明。《冰与火之歌》创造出了一个虚幻的人类历史世界,这个虚幻世界与我们的现实世界其实并没有什么不同,只是它更精彩。在冰与火的世界里,我们有机会完整地看见和我们一样的普通人如何在一生的挣扎中逐步找到自己的位置和意义,而在现实生活中,我们看不见自己完整的一生和自己的意义。



故事的背景是在一片叫做Westero的大陆岛上的七个王国(Seven kingdoms,它的原型可能是以不列颠群岛为中心的西欧南欧,也可能不是),它的远古历史可以追溯到12000年前。那个时候,四季中一个季节可以延续数年。这片土地的原始居民被称之为森林之子(Children of forest,你可以在英国中世纪传说green man找到它的典故),这是一个与自然和谐相处的小个子民族,他们强大的魔法成为后人的传说,他们所信仰的古老众神依旧在北方保存着。第一代人类(the First Men),一个原始的青铜器武士文明从东部大陆入侵了这片大陆岛屿(你可以从罗马人入侵不列颠找到一点历史的影子)。最终,the First Man 与Children of Forest签订了协议,the First Man 占领了广阔的大陆而森林之子则生活在森林里。

4000年以后,异族(the Others)出现了(你可以从北欧海盗入侵不列颠群岛找到历史的影子)。它们来自北方,席卷Westero 大陆并将大陆带入了延续一代人的黑夜和数十年的的冬季之中。在后来的黎明之战中(the War for the Dawn),异族(the Others)被First Men 和Children of Forest 合力赶回了北方,同时他们在北方建造了著名的长墙(the Long Wall,你也许会联想到中国的长城,不过在公元四世纪,罗马人在英国北部也建起了一座长墙,今天你在英国的约克郡依旧可以见到它),以阻止the Others 再次归来。后来森林之子消失了。

2000年以后,另一个民族Andals 从东部大陆跨越狭长的海峡来到Westero,Andal人已经进入了铁器文明时代(你可以从欧洲人或罗马人入侵不列颠找到一点历史的影子,今天,在西班牙的南部有一个地方叫做Andalusia,这个名字起源于阿拉伯语),他们骑着战马,带着他们的“七面之神”(the Faith of the Seven)来到了这里,并陆续攻占和建立了6个王国(the Kingdoms of North, the Kingdom of the Iron Islands, the Kingdom of Vale and Sky, the Kingdom of the Rock, the Kingdom of the Stormlands and the Kingdom of the Reach)。第七个王国,the Kingdom of Riverlands,则不断被邻国攻占和摧毁。在更南方,还有一些零散的沙漠王国。在故事发生的1000年前,一群来自东方大陆一个叫做Valyria帝国的逃难者(,你可以从欧洲的萨克森人入侵英国找到一点历史的影子。Valyria这个名字今天在俄罗斯和乌克兰依旧是女性的名字),他们在武士女王Nymeria 带领下来到了Westero 的南边,并与当地部落联盟最终在一个半岛上建立了Dorn 王国(也许是西班牙,或是爱尔兰?)。

在冰与火之歌故事开始的约500年前,Valyria的商人以Westero最南端的Dragonstone为基地开始与Westero的联系。又过了一个世纪,Valyria 帝国被一场叫做 Doom (毁灭日)的巨大灾难所毁灭。然而,在Dragonstone 的一个Valyrian 人 Targaryens 家族在力量成熟以后向Westero 发动了进攻并在Aegon the Conqueror (征服者Aegon)的带领下,借助他们家族的三条巨龙(曾被认为是西方世界的最后三条龙)统治了这片岛国大陆(Dorn 除外)。

在冰与火之歌故事发生前的15年前,Targaryens家族被一场内战赶下了王座。由于末代国王Aerys 二世的疯狂与残暴,王国内的几大家族在领主Robert Baratheon, Jon Arryn, 和 Eddard Stark 军队的夹击下,在Trident River 一战打败了 Targaryen的军队,杀死了Aerys王的继承人及其家族的所有血脉(只有Aerys 怀孕的妻子和儿子Viserys逃到了Dragonstone)。Aerys王被自己的皇家近卫队(Kingsguard)一员Jaime Lannister所杀(他后来被人称为弑君者,kingslayer)。Aerys王的妻子在生下女儿Daenerys后就死去,Daenerys 被保皇党送到了海峡对面的自由城帮。Robert Baratheon登上了铁王座,迎娶了Cersei Lanister。Cersei 的孪生兄弟就是弑君者Jaime Lanister,而她的父亲Tywin Lanister,作为Aerys王时代Casterly Rock 的领主,在最后一刻背叛Aerys 王,以护驾的名义进入首都王城(Kings Landing),却将Kings Landing 献给了Robert。




冰与火之歌 003


Gared 瞪着这位大人,他耳朵孔附近的伤疤由于愤怒而涨得通红(Aemon博士当时不得不把他的耳朵完全切除了),“等冬天来的时候我们就知道你能穿得有多暖和了。”他把帽子拉起来,在他的小矮马上蜷缩着不再说话,一脸的怒气。

“如果Gared说是寒冷的话……”Will 开口说道。




“一直在掉眼泪(冰雪在融化),”Will 一边说着一边皱起了眉头。大人一指出这一点,他一下子就看出问题所在了。“他们不可能是被冻死的。如果长墙都在融化的话,就不可能出这事。天气还没冷到那个程度。”

Royce点点头:“聪明的家伙。上一周只出现了几次轻微的霜冻天气,还有时不时地下点阵雪,但是肯定没冷得那么厉害,不可能把八个成年人全都给冻死。别忘了,这些人可是穿毛戴皮的人,附近还有帐篷可以避寒,还有办法可以生火取暖的”。这名骑士的笑容现在是自负满满。 “Will,带我们去看一看。我想亲眼去看看这些死人。”


Will走在最前面,他骑着他那匹鬃毛凌乱的小矮马小心翼翼地穿过灌木丛。头天晚上下了一场小雪,地上的石头、树根还有看不见的水坑都被这层薄雪给掩盖着,等待那些粗心和不留神的人栽跟斗。Waymar Royce爵士紧跟其后,他那匹高大的黑色战马不耐烦地喷着鼻息。骑着战马巡逻绝对是错误的选择,不过要是你想把这事告诉大人的话,绝对没有好下场。Gared跟在最后,这名年长的武士一边骑着马一边独自嘟囔着。


“我说呀,咱们现在应该能走得更快一点了吧,?”当月亮完全升起来的时候,Royce 说道。


Waymar Royce爵士根本不屑于回答。






“这个地方有点不对劲,”Gared 低声说道。


“你难道感觉不到吗?”Gared 质问他,“你好好听那黑夜里的声音。”


“风声。树木沙沙作响声。还有一只狼在叫。到底是哪种声音把你的魂给吓没啦,Gared?”Gared没有回答他,Royce 一个优雅的姿势从马鞍上跳了下来。他把他的战马结结实实地拴在一棵低垂的树枝上,离其他的马远远的,然后他从他的剑鞘里抽出他的长字。剑柄上有珠宝在闪闪发光,而月光如流水一般从那长长的精钢剑身上滑落。这是一把精美的武器,肯定是城堡工匠的手艺,而且看得出是一把全新打造的剑。Will都怀疑这把剑有没有被它的主人在愤怒中挥舞过。














“天哪!”他听到身后传来的话语声。当Wamar Royce爵士到达山脊时,他用剑砍向一根树枝。现在他站在哨兵树边,手里握着长剑,风从山下吹来时,他的斗篷在身后飘舞,他的轮廓在群星的映衬下显得高贵极了,所有人都一眼就能看见他。


Royce 一动不动。他俯视着那片空无一人的空地笑了起来。“Will,你说的那些死人好像已经转移营地了。”

Will 已经说不出话来。他想说些什么,却一个字也说不出来。这也太不可能啦。他的眼睛在那片遗弃的营地上来回搜索着,目光停留在了那把斧头上。那是一把巨大的双刃战斧,依旧躺在他上一次看到它的地方,没有人动过。那是件很宝贵的武器…



Waymar爵士看着他,一脸的不赞同。 “我可不想我的第一次巡逻就两手空空地回到黑堡(Black Castle)。我们要找到这些人。”他环顾着四周,“爬到树上去。现在就去。找找哪里有人生火。”


Ser Waymar shrugged. “You ought dress more warmly, Gared.”

Gared glared at the lordling, the scars around his ear holes flushed red with anger where Maester Aemon had cut the ears away. “We’ll see how warm you can dress when the winter comes.” He pulled up his hood and hunched over his garron, silent and sullen.

“If Gared said it was the cold . . .” Will began.

“Have you drawn any watches this past week, Will?”

“Yes, m’lord.” There never was a week when he did not draw a dozen bloody watches. What was the man driving at?

“And how did you find the Wall?”

“Weeping,” Will said, frowning. He saw it clear enough, now that the lordling had pointed it out. “They couldn’t have froze. Not if the Wall was weeping. It wasn’t cold enough.”

Royce nodded. “Bright lad. We’ve had a few light frosts this past week, and a quick flurry of snow now and then, but surely no cold fierce enough to kill eight grown men. Men clad in fur and leather, let me remind you, with shelter near at hand, and the means of making fire.” The knight’s smile was cocksure. “Will, lead us there. I would see these dead men for myself.”

And then there was nothing to be done for it. The order had been given, and honor bound them to obey.

Will went in front, his shaggy little garron picking the way carefully through the undergrowth. A light snow had fallen the night before, and there were stones and roots and hidden sinks lying just under its crust, waiting for the careless and the unwary. Ser Waymar Royce came next, his great black destrier snorting impatiently. The warhorse was the wrong mount for ranging, but try and tell that to the lordling. Gared brought up the rear. The old man-at-arms muttered to himself as he rode.

Twilight deepened. The cloudless sky turned a deep purple, the color of an old bruise, then faded to black. The stars began to come out. A half-moon rose. Will was grateful for the light.

“We can make a better pace than this, surely,” Royce said when the moon was full risen.

“Not with this horse,” Will said. Fear had made him insolent. “Perhaps my lord would care to take the lead?”

Ser Waymar Royce did not deign to reply.

Somewhere off in the wood a wolf howled.

Will pulled his garron over beneath an ancient gnarled ironwood and dismounted. “Why are you stopping?” Ser Waymar asked.

“Best go the rest of the way on foot, m’lord. It’s just over that ridge.”

Royce paused a moment, staring off into the distance, his face reflective. A cold wind whispered through the trees. His great sable cloak stirred behind like something half-alive.

“There’s something wrong here,” Gared muttered.

The young knight gave him a disdainful smile. “Is there?”

“Can’t you feel it?” Gared asked. “Listen to the darkness.”

Will could feel it. Four years in the Night’s Watch, and he had never been so afraid. What was it?

“Wind. Trees rustling. A wolf. Which sound is it that unmans you so, Gared?” When Gared did not answer, Royce slid gracefully from his saddle. He tied the destrier securely to a low-hanging limb, well away from the other horses, and drew his longsword from its sheath. Jewels glittered in its hilt, and the moonlight ran down the shining steel. It was a splendid weapon, castle-forged, and new-made from the look of it. Will doubted it had ever been swung in anger.

“The trees press close here,” Will warned. “That sword will tangle you up, mIord. Better a knife.”

“If I need instruction, I will ask for it,” the young lord said. “Gared, stay here. Guard the horses.”

Gared dismounted. “We need a fire. I’ll see to it.”

“How big a fool are you, old man? If there are enemies in this wood, a fire is the last thing we want.”

“There’s some enemies a fire will keep away,” Gared said. “Bears and direwolves and ... and other things . . .”

Ser Waymar’s mouth became a hard line. “No fire.”

Gared’s hood shadowed his face, but Will could see the hard glitter in his eyes as he stared at the knight. For a moment he was afraid the older man would go for his sword. It was a short, ugly thing, its grip discolored by sweat, its edge nicked from hard use, but Will would not have given an iron bob for the lordling’s life if Gared pulled it from its scabbard.

Finally Gared looked down. “No fire,” he muttered, low under his breath.

Royce took it for acquiescence and turned away. “Lead on,” he said to Will.

Will threaded their way through a thicket, then started up the slope to the low ridge where he had found his vantage point under a sentinel tree. Under the thin crust of snow, the ground was damp and muddy, slick footing, with rocks and hidden roots to trip you up. Will made no sound as he climbed. Behind him, he heard the soft metallic slither of the lordling’s ringmail, the rustle of leaves, and muttered curses as reaching branches grabbed at his longsword and tugged on his splendid sable cloak.

The great sentinel was right there at the top of the ridge, where Will had known it would be, its lowest branches a bare foot off the ground. Will slid in underneath, flat on his belly in the snow and the mud, and looked down on the empty clearing below.

His heart stopped in his chest. For a moment he dared not breathe. Moonlight shone down on the clearing, the ashes of the firepit, the snow-covered lean-to, the great rock, the little half-frozen stream. Everything was just as it had been a few hours ago.

They were gone. All the bodies were gone.

“Gods!” he heard behind him. A sword slashed at a branch as Ser Waymar Royce gained the ridge. He stood there beside the sentinel, longsword in hand, his cloak billowing behind him as the wind came up, outlined nobly against the stars for all to see.

“Get down!” Will whispered urgently. “Something’s wrong.”

Royce did not move. He looked down at the empty clearing and laughed. “Your dead men seem to have moved camp, Will.”

Will’s voice abandoned him. He groped for words that did not come. It was not possible. His eyes swept back and forth over the abandoned campsite, stopped on the axe. A huge double-bladed battle-axe, still lying where he had seen it last, untouched. A valuable weapon . . .

“On your feet, Will,” Ser Waymar commanded. “There’s no one here. I won’t have you hiding under a bush.”

Reluctantly, Will obeyed.

Ser Waymar looked him over with open disapproval. “I am not going back to Castle Black a failure on my first ranging. We will find these men.” He glanced around. “Up the tree. Be quick about it. Look for a fire.”

Will turned away, wordless. There was no use to argue. The wind was moving. It cut right through him. He went to the tree, a vaulting grey-green sentinel, and began to climb. Soon his hands were sticky with sap, and he was lost among the needles. Fear filled his gut like a meal he could not digest. He whispered a prayer to the nameless gods of the wood, and slipped his dirk free of its sheath. He put it between his teeth to keep both hands free for climbing. The taste of cold iron in his mouth gave him comfort.

